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A board game based on the checkers' concept. The backdrop of the board is a virtual refinery combining the knowledge of KRD, CPDIC and PSLP


The Chemi Checkers! 









Basic Rules


  • To increase the enjoyment, there are three level of difficulty for the questions. The difficulty is indicated at the side of the board.

  • The score for easy questions will be one point, for medium questions will be two points and for hard question will be three points. 

  • The game ends when a player loses all his/her pieces.

  • The winner will be decided based on the points accumulated. The player who accumulates higher points wins the game.

  • Eight pieces will be converted into KRD, CPDIC and PSLP and each player places the pieces randomly at designated place.

  • Pieces always move diagonally and perform capturing move (jump). 

  • EXAMPLE : A KRD piece making a capturing move (a jump) leaps over one of the opponent's CPDIC pieces, the player need to answer a question combining KRD & CPDIC. If he answers the question correctly, KRD lands on the other side and CPDIC is removed. If he answers the question wrongly, KRD is removed and CPDIC remains at the same place. 

Knowledge Board


There is a knowledge board for each little icons on the board. When the player remove any pieces, the box will be considered boom and the player is required to find an equation from the knowledge board which is related to the little icon. The knowledge board is to increase the understanding of the players towards KRD, CPDIC and PSLP. 

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