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Name: Omer Mohammad Jamil.

Student ID: 17731

Date of Birth: 6th October 1993

Country: Mosel - Iraq

Interest: Jogging.





In these weeks of continues searching and study about the project I felt that I have done something different than the usual that we used to do as UTP students. This project is in fact one of the best ways for enhancing and developing the student way of learning and it also increases student's  capability to challenge himself to be creative and to produce the best ideas and to compete with the rest of his students friends. My role in the group is accuracy coach to make sure everyone understands what we are doing and find resources for our group.




Reflection on KRD:


By doing this project I had to chance to understand more and deeply about many topics that includes the basics of designing a chemical reaction including the fundamentals of mole balances, the sizing of different type of reactors while calculating the rate law and the stoichiometry of the reaction that is happening.


Reflection on PSLP:


The safety of a chemical engineering plant is a basic rule for every chemical process. This project helped to get a better understanding on the way of predicting the number of fatalities and helped me also to approximate the danger for many different processes in chemical industries.

Reflection on CPDIC:


As it is said by many chemical engineers, this subject is considered the backbone of this course. Nevertheless, by doing this project and I had the best chance of improving my skills and abilities on terms of understanding matters related to the subject such as the ability to classify different process control strategies and apply them to model a specific required systems.






During this project , my main role is considered as the accuracy coach where I had to make sure to get through all the details of the project, suggest new ideas to enhance and improve the outcomes of the project and make sure to develop the bond and team work for all my team members. At the same time, I had to make sure to be involved in all the required tasks stated in the contribution section and finally analyzing the necessity of editing and enhancing the main sections for each E-portfolio.






It was a pleasure to work with my teammates throughout these 6 weeks of our first project. During these 6 weeks I realized that I have successfully created a strong bond with my team, a bond that is required for each future engineer to develop.

In order to come up with the best desired results for our project I had to be involved in creating parts of the questions, contributing to the board game design and suggesting the rules for the game. To make all of this happen, I had to make sure to have a meeting with my team for a minimum of 1 to 2 meetings per week in order to discuss the flow of the project steps by analyzing and/ or suggest better ideas to be done. At the end of each meeting we had to confirm the task of each one of us and the date for the next meeting meanwhile discussing the urgent matters in the social media.




Reflection about the board game:


The board game so far has been one of my greatest experiences. We did our best to make the game satisfying for everyone. In my opinion, we have successfully managed to introduce a game that consists of challenge, brain storm and fun at the same time. This game is easy to understand challenging to win and that what makes the challenge lovers like this type of games.



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