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Reflection of the Board game:


Firstly, this project taught me so many things including patience. I learnt to be more patient while doing this project, it took a lot of patience but it was worth at the end. Through participating in this project, I learnt a lot in comparing similarities between three different subjects and apply them analytically in industrial points of view.  To me, one of the most innovative ways of learning is what I came across while doing this project (Board Game). I have learnt many things which the most important one is understanding the subjects matter very well while designing such creative conceptual questions based on bloom taxonomy which made us think in higher order intellectual and pushes us to be innovative, creative and to think outside the box. Creating this board game was not only a learning strategy that I benefit from now and after. It was also the most enjoyable project that I have done through my study journey for many reasons one of them because it was hands on, applications and fun instead of just writing and researching.  



Reflection about the questions:


 A challenge that I put myself to go through along with my teammates is what it turns at the end to be gained skill where we became able to design Chemical Engineering questions based on different criteria. These skills going to help us/me in different aspects in our life. The board game questions were designed to have a conceptual creative high thinking order elements based on bloom taxonomy. The questions are designed to attract all types of Chemical Engineering students ’participated players’ where memorising, understanding, applying, evaluating, analysing and more are all covered measures in our questions which show a high depth of understanding of the subjects matter.




Reflection on the Mini Project:


One simple sentence” It makes me partially prepared for final year project”. The requirements of this project made me able to think like an engineer, where I am able to design a real plant that basically made me applying the knowledge that I have obtained during this semester such as Reactor sizing, and HAZOP as well as previous semesters such as HYSYS, and even Academic Writing. Fortunately and successfully by completing this project which is “turning waste into wealth plant using anaerobic digestion” I can feel I have achieved a very great job in this year as an engineering student. Although the project was really tough and took quit a lot of time but at the end it is worth the time.




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