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I love this board game because its test many aspect in our life. For example, it tests about our understanding on a subject we learn , strategies to win the game , and your backup plan on what would you do when you are losing the match.


All of our group members are in high in spirits when doing the meeting. All of us are non-stop on giving idea to make this game become most interesting as we can.When come to  rejecting someone idea, we will use encourage words instead of condemn what are they saying. Furthermore, we all are punctual when conducting a meeting among us so no stress among it.


The best part in this board game is making a website. For all this years, this is the first time I learn about creating and designing the website.I found that interesting because if im gonna promote about something to sell, I can just share the link in media social.Prezi and Powtoon is also something new and somekind interesting as it can make my life much more simple.For instance, I can make excellent slide show from the powtoon and attractive mind map from Prezi.


Reflection about the question in the Board Games


  • The question about this subject has 3 difficulty level.So it actually depend on luck how you manage to eat the “soldiers” and landed on which box. If it easy, you are very lucky, if its hard, just prepare yourself. 


  1. Reflection of questions posed for KRD in the board game: I think every students will agree with me that KRD subject is the best right now under Dr Suzana.All questions basically we prepared for players is from lecture slides itself. All about the volume sizing, type of reactors and other more things.In shorts, players that manage to answer these questions will get much knowledge to help them succeed in this semester.


2.   Reflection of question posed for CPDIC. : For this semester. I think everyone agree that CPDIC is a killing       subject right now.So, even if u manage to get easy question, you will need to think as much as u can because         it requires the level of 4,5, and 6 of bloom taxanomy.Plus, we put much on derivation questions, so be                   prepared.


3.    Reflection of PSLP questions. : This particular questions on this subject is quite thinking outside the box.          You actually don’t need to study the whole thing if get to answer this questions because some questions u            just need basic knowledge about safety.But if you get the calculation questions, you still need to take the            lecture notes as your reference at least.


Reflection for second project


For this second mini-project , I found it very challenging mostly due to our busy schedule but it actually quite fun because l manage to push myself and try to work under pressure. We have to do some literature review which is a very good exercise for me as my academic writing skills have been dusty. I also have to do some HAZOP analysis which really helps me to know more about safety in reactors and plants which surely will be useful for my future.  In this project, I learned teamwork and tolerance are the key factor in any organization. We have to work together as a team in this project which really build our teamwork which is the factor for our completion in this project. This project also taught us how to be creative and really exposed us to a lot of process which we will be dealing in the future. It help to prepare us as a fully fledged engineer



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