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Reflection about The Board game project:


Once I saw the guideline of the board games project, I know it will be fun but tough at the same time. The creative ideas are vital for development of the board game since it is the combination of arts and sciences. I am lucky to have a group of responsible and smart people as my groupmates. During our discussions, we came out with innovative ideas and we realize them later on our board game.


Our board is named chemi checkers since it is applying the checkers concept combining chemical engineering problems. I found this is really interesting and we worked hard to complete it. During the process I get to learn the basic knowledge of creating website by Wix, creating Prezi and most importantly connecting my group members. This project really improved my hardskills as well as my softskills very much.


This challenging project has really widened my horizons of how I think about Chemical Engineering and

thank you for the memories, group 5!  



Reflection about Questions:


For the board game questions, we use bloom taxonomy to design them. Since our questions have three levels, the easy part consists of remembering and understanding questions. Next the medium we will have applying and analysing questions. Lastly, the hardest part is based on evaluating and creating. Besides, combining two subjects in one question is a real challenge. It forces me to think ot of box and I am glad I can design the questions finally. Enjoy solving our questions! 


For my part of question, I am doing KRD+CPDIC and PSLP+CPDIC. All are hard questions.


Reflection about The mini project:


For the mini project, it is very difficult for me at the earlier stage because I am given task to draw pfd and pnid by using AUTOCAD. After a year did not use the software, I am completely blur about what should I click when I am using it. Therefore, I must catch up the skills by learning step by step and finally, I managed to do it and I am really happy for that.


This mini project is also connecting all three subjects, KRD, PSLP and CPDIC. I can observe the relationships between these courses in a virtual plant that convert food waste into energy. Although it is really hard, it gives us a lot of knowledge. 


We can always learn when we are facing challenges. I am thankful to given this opportunity.




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