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Reflection of the board game :


Creating a board game is actually a fresh project for me. I was thinking it's going to ba a hard process but thinking back I am actually enjoying the process of coming up with the game. We get to create our own rules and concepts. My group decided to choose the concept of checkers due to its easy interconncetion between subjects. We named it The ChemiCheckers. I think the idea of our board game is challenging and unpredictable at times as you would never know which subject you are going to answer. It is a strategy game where you have to think what are your niche and forte subject and how to move your units to ensure you get your intention.


My group members are will always give positive comments when we are having discussions such “It’s a good idea” and “ That’s good, I agree with you” and this is my very first time of encountering full commitment from the whole team. My group is always full of ideas and sometimes I do actually thinks that all of us are actually partially sanguine. Besides, my group members will always be on time for meetings and that is actually a good practice.


I am also introduced to new software such as prezi, powtoon, developing e-portfolio which I know the existence of the software but I had never take the initiative to learn it till I encountered this project which requires me to learn the skills. Creating website its something I find it to be interesting and it is turns out to be one of my new interest.  I find it necessary to catch up with the new learning style of presentation alongside helping me to further develop my soft-skills which is going to assist me in my future career life.



Reflection of questions posted for KRD in the board game :


I have always enjoyed KRD questions. No matter how hard the questions will be, I will try to solve it. Perhaps, it is because the enjoyment and understanding I gained when I am attending lecture. In my opinion, KRD questions in our board game is sufficient enough with basic theory, fundamentals and calculations. For me to create KRD questions for this board game, I have actually read up on the crucial concepts and do lots of calculation which actually helps me to grasp the understanding of the other chapters better. 


Reflection of questions posted for CPDIC :


I have seen the questions for CPDIC, and I think it  requires a strong understanding of the subject to get to answer the question correctly. It requires the level of 4,5, and 6 of bloom taxanomy. The questions will give the challenge for the players to win the game.I hope the players will eventually solve the questions and as a matter of practice for them in solving CPDIC questions when they playing the board game.


Reflection of questions posted for PSLP :


PSLP questions in our board games is more to conceptual questions, where theory is not sufficient enough for you to get the answer correct. I have to think logically and with a little common sense, I will get to answer the questions. We are focusing more on theoritical and concepts of the chapters as the lecturer has always give us assignments which involves a lot of calculations during lecture.



Overall, our board game questions are inter-related between the subjects and we have addressed our questions based on the bloom taxonomy. I hope that the players will have fun playing our board game alongside applying their knowledge and to gain strategies to solve questions in any of those subjects through our questions.



Relection of the MINI PROJECT :


This project helps me to get early exposure about what I am going to do for during my FYP, which i find it pretty good as I am one step ahead to have to exposure. This project pushes me against my barrier to work day and night as I have another six subjects to concentrate on simultaneously. However, I would say from this porject, I have read up a lot on green technologies that convert waste to something valuable which widen up my knowledge. I have a slight thought in taking major in environment during my final year.




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