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Kinetic Reaction Design (KRD)


KRD is combination of many subjects I learnt during first year and second year of my studies such as Mass transfer and Separation Process. So far, Dr Suzanna taught us Mole balances, rate laws, stoichiometry and lastly, combination to determine reaction time and reactor volume. In my opinion, it is a core course for our studies since we can finally apply our knowledge in designing a reactor. It is tough but I will try my best to endure it.


In the second half of the semester, Dr Tazli took over the lectures and he is a creative lecturer and always instills us with the higher order thinking. His youtube videos are also comprehensive of knowledges relating to KRD. Under him, we have learned analysis of rate data, multiple reaction and non isothermal reactor design. I am grateful to learn reaction design this semester because it will be useful in my future career. 


My suggestion : More problems can be solved in lectures to enhance our understanding.  



Chemical Process Dynamic and instrumental Control (CPDIC)


CPDIC is another core subject that I take this semester and it is very challenging. Until now, we have learnt basic theoretical models of Chemical processes, Laplace and transfer function. It requires a large amount of basic mathematical knowledge such as partial fractions and integrations and this is the hard part. Although it is hard, this subject inculcate me a lot of technologies of process control such as feedback and feedforward control.   


In the second part of the semester, Dr Haslinda took over the class and taught us about dynamic behaviour of closed loop system, stability analysis as well as the frequency analysis. This is important because control element is always the crucial part in a plant.  


My suggestion : Apply more knowledge learnt inside the stimulation lab so that it will be useful in future. 


Process Safety and Loss prevention (PSLP)


For PSLP, it is easier to pick up since it consists of less derivation and less complicated equations compared to the other two subjects. Dr Dzulkarnain always feed us with various types of question to ensure we truly involved and learnt what we should know form the lectures. After whole semester, we have learnt about toxicology, industrial hygiene, source models, dispersion models, fire and explosion, hazard identification and risk and realibility. A plant design is only completed when safety aspect is calculated.  


My suggestion : A field trip will be awesome for us to fully understand the standard of safety on chemical companies in Malaysia. 




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