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Reflection on courses




  • KRD

I am amazed by how this subject makes me to think analytically and logically. Chemical kinetics and reactor design are at the heart of producing almost all industrial chemicals. Dr. Suzana is awesome so far and I felt I am back to the classroom environment whenever I am attending her lecture. She frequently ask whether we understand her lecture and she would repeat the examples which made me understand the topics easily. e.g Understanding the design equations, rate laws and stoichiometry  From this project, I realized that the knowledge of chemical kinetics and reactor design is the pride of a chemical engineer because it distinguishes the chemical engineer from other engineers.



CPDIC is one of the toughest subject I have encontured for this semester. Dr. Abbas, our lecturer is very knowledgeable in this subject and I can see his passion in teaching us. He always reminded us the importance of this course for chemical engineers in the industy. I understand that as a future chemical engineer, I need to master the concepts for dynamics, feedback and stability in order to be able to design and operate modern plants. I really enjouyed the mathematical part and the designation of the control strategies of this subject But i find derivation of the equations is a little tedious. To ace this subject, I will try my best to grasp and master the fundamentals of this subject.



  • PSLP

I enjoy studying this subject because the equations and solutions are more straight-forward as compared to the other two subjects. I always look forward to Dr. Dzulkarnain class because his class was never boring, a two-ways interaction class. He is also infomative and will definitely clear our doubt when we are facing problems in our assignment in our class. From this project, I realized that chemical engineers need to identify as potential hazards as early as possible so that action can be taken to correct or mitigate the situation.





  • KRD

In the second-half, Dr. Tazli has his own way of teaching and I am pretty sure this is the very first time I encountered this leraning style. I felt he is a very friendly lecturer and a very tolerant one I would say. At first, I find it hard for me to adapt as Dr, Tazli put a high expectation on us but soon I realize it is actually effective as I can rewind and rewind his lecture through videos as I cannot really concentrate in lecture most of the time. I like the way he supervise us : when we do not understand something, he would teach us step by step till we are clear about that particular confusion. Through his teaching, I learn about reactor selection for multiple reaction such as in series, parallel and independent. I learn to maximize the desired product and minimize the undesired product. 



Dr. Haslinda approach is easier to understand and I did not struggle to much for CPDIC in this second half. Perhaps, it is because of the easier topics at the end of this course since the concept have to be grasp in the first part of the course. Dr. Haslinda is very entertaining lecturer and I enjoyed having tutorial sessions with her as her tutorial sesssions are very effictive. I learn about the standard feedback algorithms with emphasis on PID controller. Later, I learn about the closed loop system using block diagram where the knowledge of dynamic process, feedback controller and instrumentation are combined. Lastly, I also learn about the process instrumentation where basic component of P&ID and basic control instrument.  



  • PSLP

I really enjoyed on how Dr. Zul simplifies the whole course and highlightinh the main points in his handouts. During his class,I would be willing to took part in doing the assignments as it is a group work of 3-4 people. The assignments given are useful to us as a revision for tests and final exam. In second part of PSLP, for fire and explosion, I learn how to prevent flammable mixture, prevent the initiation and minimize the damage after a fire or explosion.  Later, I learn about Hazards identification where HAZOP is implemented to Identify hazards in a chemical process facility. I learn about the risk assessment which includes incident identification and consequences analysis using probability and numbers.





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