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Reflection on Courses: 


First Half:
  • Kinetic Reaction Design (KRD)


As an Engineering student and, more specifically, a Chemical Engineering student, this course has improved my imagination, innovation, and numerical skills in my study journey. Its contents are interesting, most notably the understanding of reactors' design, calculations, and steps to reach the answer for the ideal design. The resources and methods given to me during this course were relatively easy to grab and understand. I have so far gained precious knowledge on reactor designing, reactions analysis, and kinetic reactors applications. Honestly, I benefited greatly from this course for all the reasons given above and, more significantly, the innovative learning methods in the class.



  • Chemical Process Dynamic and instrumental Control (CPDIC)


CPDIC is one of the most important subjects I have taken so far; it introduced me to different process industries, dynamics, control methods, and related numerical and theoretical models. Above and beyond, it is quite a challenging subject and needs a lot of focus and imagination; hence, It is a very motivating and challenging subject that encourages me to learn more about the development of modern plant processes and technologies of process control. As a future Chemical Engineer, I think CPDIC has gained my interest from different aspects, some of which have been mentioned above.



  • Process Safety and Loss prevention (PSLP)


So far, I have learned several safety programs and techniques, risks calculations and predictions, hazards nature, industrial hygiene, source and dispersion models, and toxic release. PSLP has opened my eyes to real industry life. As a chemical engineer, I have realized that Identifying hazards, preventing them, controlling them, and more are some of the concepts and applications in any industry.


Second Half:



  •  Kinetic Reaction Design (KRD):



Through the second half of this semester, I have come to understand more about my strengths such as working, thinking, solving on group inside the class room which was cooler when given made simple step by step examples provided by the lecturer. Besides that, the chapters that were taught which are chapter5, 6, & 8 are supposedly quit hard, however the way they were delivered are really productive; since as a student, I can do so much activities inside the class room rather than just listening and signing regular attendance. Therefore, coming across these methods made me stronger, confident and optimistic when facing such major subject as Kinetic Reaction Design.



  • Chemical Process Dynamic and instrumental Control (CPDIC):


Chemical process dynamic and instrumental control (CPDIC) was one of the toughest subject I had to face at the beginning of this semester, I could figure some reasons which might be related to the contents of the first half. However, during the second half, it gets all easier, cooler and understandable. I believe the ways our lecturer used are really creative from easy explanation of examples, to related (to what we studied in class room) quizzes on each chapter. I believe now major in process control could be my choice due to the great contents, the atmosphere it brought, and the great continues knowledge it gives. Honestly, during the second half I’ve come to realize that nothing is impossible if we use the right ways and think optimistically about the difficulties that we might face, in this case the toughness of CPDIC at the beginning and the way it gets easier now.


  • Process Safety and Loss prevention (PSLP):


The atmosphere inside the class room is basically what pushes us to come for more, every class we will be submitting one assignment which was solved in a group after an easy step by step explained example by the lecturer. This basically boost my understanding for this subject even more. I have to come to realize that Process safety and loss prevention is one of the most important subjects, fields, and careers in industry and anywhere else. Learning all types of safety and hazards control made me think outside the box about the level of risk we could face in industry if we do not adhere to process safety and loss prevention methods. The way the subject was delivered is interesting where I come to learn great knowledge and understand the objectives and fulfil the outcomes required from me as a student of PSLP subject.


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